Study the Physico-Chemical Properties of Sapota (Achras Sapota L.) - Juniper publishers
Journal of Trends in Technical and Scientific Research
In the present work, the physical and
chemical properties of fresh sapota fruits (Achras sapota L). And the
Physical Properties studies such as moisture content (%), length (mm), width
(mm), thickness (mm), volume (cc), Sphericity , weight of fruits (g), Bulk
density (g/cc), True density (g/cc) and Porosity (g/cc). Chemical properties is
TSS °(B), Acidity (%), pH, Reducing sugar (%), Total Sugar (%), Protein (%),
Fat (%), Carbohydrate (%), Fiber (%), Color L, a and b.
Moisture content of sapota found to be in
the range of 73.07 % wet basis (280.283 % db), the results showed that The
length, width and thickness is sapota fruits was found to vary in the ranges
from 44.08 to 60.19,37.00 to 49.34 and 41.06 to 52.91 mm, respectively, The
volume of the sapota fruits range is 20 to 70 cm3, Sphericity of sapota fruits range is found to be 0.842 to 0.990,
average weight of sapota fruits was 52.99±7.the weight of sapota fruits are
recorded the range 41.15 to 74.99 (g), Sapota fruits are bulk density was in
the range of found 0.341 to 0.414 g/cc, True density of sapota fruits was in
the range of found 0.952 to 2.1095 g/cc, The porosity is calculated by the
sapota fruits was found in the range of 16.62 to 42.22. chemical properties
results shows the The fresh sapota fruits the TSS range is found 17 to 23,
Titratable acidity of sapota fruits was in the of range 0.2 to 0.25, pH of
sapota fruits range was observed in the range 5.5 to 6.0, Reducing sugar of
fresh sapota fruits range was 15 to 17.3, Total sugars of fresh sapota are
range between 46 to 52.2.
The fresh Sapota fruit protein is range
is 0.6 to 0.80, The carbohydrate of sapota fresh fruits range is 14.3 to 28.31.
The fat of Sapota fresh fruits range 0.4 to 1.25, Fibre of sapota was range of
0.42 to 28.31, Colour L values of fresh sapota fruits are range are 57.70 to
72.10, Colour a value of sapota fruits are range found 7.10 to 10.42 and b
value of colour in sapota fruits are range comes in 37.26 to 41.91.
Keywords: Sapota fruit, Dimensions, Physical properties, Post-harvest
(Manilkara Zapota L.) which belongs to the family sapotaceae, is
underutilized tropical fruits commonly known as “sapota” in India and “chiku”
in Malaysia. Immature fruits are hard, gummy and rich in tannin (astringent),
while the ripe fruits are soft and juicy, with a sweet taste an attractive
range colour, which makes them wonderful dessert fruit [1]. In India it is
grown in an area of 82000 ha with 8 tones production at 14.19 tonnes per
hectors productivity. Sapota is grown on a commercial basis in India, the
Philippines, Srilanka, Malaysia, Mexico, Venezuela, Guatemala and other central
American countries [2]. In Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamilnadu and Karnataka states
sapota is grown commercially [3]. Raw fruits of sapota are astringed, while
ripe fruits are sweet. It is mainly used as dessert fruits bedside many
processed products are prepared from sapota namely Halwa, Juice, Milk Shake,
Shrikhand, fruit Jam. Mature fruits are used for making mixed fruits jams and
provide a valuable source of raw materials for manufacture of industrial
glucose, protein and natural fruits jellies. They also are canned as slices
[4]. Sapota is a small fruit, generally with a diameter range from 5 to 9 cm
with round to egg shaped appearance, and 75- 200 g weight. It consists of a rough brown
skin, which enclosed a soft, sweet, light brown to reddish brown flesh. The
flesh is often gritty, much like a pear, and which holds three to four flat,
smooth black seeds, although some fruits are seedless. Figure 1 shows the
sapota fruits and cut sapota fruits. Superior strains have a time smooth
texture with a slight fragrant and sweet flavour [5].
Sapota fruits is reported to contain sugar, acids, protein, amino
acid, phenolics viz, galic acid, catechin, chlorogenic acid, leucodelphinidin,
and leucodelargonidin and Leucopelargonidin, carotenoids, ascorbic acids, and
minerals like potassium, calcium and iron (Selvaraj and Pal) [6-9]. Fruits
contains carbohydrate (50.49 g-100 g), protein (0.7 g – 100g), fat (1.1 g –
100g), fibre (2.6g -100g), and minerals nutrient viz. calcium (28mg -100g),
iron (2.0mg -100g), phosphorus (27mg -100g), ascorbic acid (6.0mg -100g),
Golpalan et al., Size and shape are most often used when describing grains,
seeds, fruits and vegetables. Shapes and physical dimensions are important in
sorting and sizing of fruits and determination how many fruits can be placed in
shipping containers or plastic bags of a given size. Quality difference in
fruits, vegetables, grains and seeds can often be detected by differences in
density. When fruits and vegetables are transported hydraulically, the design
fluid velocities are related to both density and shape [10]. Quality is defined
as the absence of defects or degree of excellence and it includes appearance,
color, shape, injuries, flavor, taste, aroma, nutritional value and being safe
for the consumer [11]. Due to a higher market exigency as for high quality
products, the juice and pulp industries have been looking for fruits with
better internal and external features, including fruit length and width; fruit
weight; pulp, seed and peel percentages per fruit; number of seeds per fruit;
seed size and peel diameter; soluble solids (ºBrix); Titratable acidity (%);
vitamin C content (mg/100g of fresh fruit); pulp pH and soluble solids/ Titratable
acidity ratio. The physical properties affect conveying characteristics of
solid materials by air of any sample. Size, shape and physical dimensions of
sapota are important in sizing, sorting and other separation processes. Bulk
and true densities of sapota are necessary to design the equipment for
processing and storing. The porosity of fruits is the most important for
packing, pH is used to determine the acidity and alkalinity of the fruits, and
TSS is used to determine the amount of sugar concentration. Many studies have
been reported on physical properties of fruits such as Apple, Apricot, Banana,
Olive, Pomegranate and grape by the researches [12-17]. The literature on
physico-chemical properties of sapota is scarce. The present work was
undertaken to study the physico-chemical properties of sapota fruits.
Materials and
The moisture content of sapota kalipatti variety fruits was
used for the experiments. The moisture content was determined by using a
standard hot air oven method [18]. The sapota was cut into slices around 10 to
15 g and slices were kept in pre weighed moisture boxes by using electronic
balance of 300 g capacity having the least count of 0.001 g. These samples were
kept in hot air oven for 105ºC ± 1ºC for 24 hours. The moisture content (wb%)
was determined as equation (1)
2 3 2 1 ( %)
100 w w MoistureContent db w w − = × − ---(1)
W1 = mass of empty box with lid, g
W2 = mass of box, lid with sample, g
W3= mass of box, lid with sample after
24 hours, g
(L, B, T)
The three
principal dimensions namely length, width (Diameter) and thickness was measured
for each individual sapota along X, Y, and Z axis with the help of Vernier
caliper (least count of 0.01mm). The spatial dimensions were measured for 50
fruits and average value has been reported. Geometric mean diameter was
calculated by following equation (2)
1 ( ) 3 [( )] g DL B T = × × ---(2)
Dg = Geometric Mean Diameter in mm
L =
Length, mm
B =
Breadth, mm
T =
Thickness, mm
It is
defined as ratio of surface area of sphere having same volume as that of the
sapota to the surface area of the sapota [19]. This criterion was used to describe
the shape of the sapota. Sphericity of sapota fruit was determined by using
equation (3).
13 ()L
B T Sphericity L × × = ---(3)
of sapota were taken and their weights were measured on an electronic weighing
machine with the 0.001 kg least count. The maximum, minimum, and average values
of these parameters were recorded and standard deviation of the mean values was
A 1000 ml
measuring cylinder was used for measurement of fruit volume. Measuring cylinder
was filled with water up to 500 ml. the fruit is dropped in the measuring
cylinder. The initial volume before placed was recorded for fruit. The volume
change after dropping the fruit in to the cylinder was recorded. The
measurement was repeated 10 times the change in volume was reported as the
volume of fruit. The average of 10 measurement were reported as a fruits volume
using equation,
v FB A = − ---(4)
Fv = fruit volume,
A = Initial level of water in
the measuring cylinder, ml
B= final level of water
in the measuring cylinder, ml
Bulk density
The bulk density was
determined by using the mass/volume relationship. Sapota were filled in gunny
bag having volume (100cm×60cm×30cm). Total mass of the sapota were measured
with the electronic balance with accuracy of 0.01 g. Fruit density (kg/m3) was calculated by using the
following equation (5). The experiments were repeated with five times and
average value was reported. The bulk density of sapota fruit was determined by
using following formula as suggested by Mohasnin.
b M P V = ---(5)
Pb= bulk density (kg/m3),
M = bulk mass of fruit
(kg), and
V = volume of Gunny bag
(100cm×60cm ×30cm).
True density
The true density of
sapota fruit was determined by using toluene displacement method. Weight of
single sapota fruit was taken with electronic precision balance with least
count 0.001 g and fruit was immersed carefully into measuring cylinder
partially filled with toluene. The volume of toluene displaced by the fruit was
noted down. The true density was calculated by using following equation (6).
t td W P V = ---(6)
Pt = True density g/cc,
Vtd= volume of cylinder content (cc).
W= Wight of sapota
The porosity of sapota
was computed from the value of bulk density and true density using
100 Truedensity
Bulk density Porosity Truedensity − = × ---(7)
Total Soluble Solids⁰ (BRIX)
Total soluble solids
sapota pulps were determined using Refractometer (M/s. Atago, Japan) at
atmospheric temperature. The equipment was calibrated with distilled water and
the TSS of the Sapota juice was determined. The experiment was replicated three
times. The total soluble solid content of fruit samples was determined by a
digital Refractometer (Kyoto Company, Kyoto, Japan).
Titratable Acidity
The Titratable acidity of sapota fruit
pulp was determined as per the procedure Ranganna. A known quantity of sample
was blended in mortar and pestle with 20-25 ml distilled water. It was then
transferred to 100 ml volumetric flask, made up the volume and filtered. A
known volume of aliquot (10ml) was titrated against 0.1N sodium hydroxide
(NAOH) solution using phenolphthalein as an indicator (Ranganna). The acidity
was calculated as given below and the results were expressed as percent
anhydrous citric acid. The three replications were carried out and the average
readings were reported.
(%) 10 1000 N T
E Titratableacidity W V× × = × × × ---(8)
N = normality of alkali
T = titrate reading
E = equivalent mass of acid, g
W = weight of the sample, g
V = total volume of the sample, g
pH of sapota was measured using
digital pH meter. The digital pH meter is firstly calibrated by using 4 pH and
7 pH buffer solution. The electrode was washed with distilled water and blot
led with tissue paper. 10 ml of sapota juice was taken in beaker, and then the
tip of electrode and temperature probe was then submerged in to the sample. The
pH reading display on the primary LCD and temperature on secondary one. The pH
of fresh sapota was determined for three replications. The chemical properties
such as pH of meddler fruit were determined according to the methods presented
by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
Reducing Sugar
The reducing sugar of sapota pulp was
estimated by using Lane and Eynon Method with modifications reported by
Ranganna. A known weight of Sapota slices were crushed with distilled water
using lead acetate (45%) for precipitation of extraneous material and potassium
oxalate (22%) to de-lead the solution. This lead free extract was used to
estimate reducing sugars titrating against standard Fehling mixture (Fehling
‘A’ and ‘B’ in equal proportion) using methylene blue as an indicator to brick
red end point. The three replication were carried out and the average reading
was reported.
100 % ' volume
prepared Reducing sugar GV of fehling s solution burette reading initial volume
= × ---
GV= Glucose value
Total Sugar
Total sugars of sapota
pulp estimated by same procedure of reducing sugar after acid hydrolysis of an
aliquot of deleaded sample
with 50 percent of hydrochloric acid followed by neutralization with sodium
hydroxide (40%) and calculated as below. The experiment was repeated three
times to get the replication.
(%) 100
Factor Dilution Total sugar Titre reading Weight of sample × = × × ---(10)
The fresh sapota fruit pulp was used to
measure the colour value by using colorimeter (Konica minotta, Japan
model-Meter CR-400). The equipment was calibrated against standard white tile.
Around 20 g pulp of sapota was taken in the glass cup; the cup was placed on
the aperture of the instrument. The colour was recorded in terms of L=
lightness (100) to darkness (0); a = Redness (+60) to Greeness (-60); b=
yellowness (+60) to blueness (-60).
The protein content of fresh sapota
fruits was determined by Lowry’s Method (Lowry et al.,) using spectrophotometer
(Make: Systronics- UV Visible spectrophotometer; Ahmadabad; Model No: 106). In
this method, 1 g sapota pulp was mixed with 5 ml of alkaline solution which was
prepared from 50 ml of Part one (2% sodium carbonate in 0.1 N NaOH) solution
and 1 ml of part two (0.5% copper sulphate in 1% sodium potassium tartarate)
solution. Mixed solution i.e. part one and part two was rapidly diluted with
folin-ciocalteu reagent. After 30 min, sample was loaded in the cuvet of
spectrophotometer upto >3/4 of its level. The absorbance was read against
standard protein solution at 750nm. Absorbance is recorded as protein content.
Fat of sapota fresh fruit pulp was
determined using soxhlet fat extraction system (AOAC) by using Soxhlet
apparatus (Make: Elico, Hyderabad). In this method, initially weight of empty
flask was weighed. 2 g sapota pulp wrapped in filter paper was siphoned for
9-12 times with the petroleum ether in soxhlet apparatus. After removing
assembly, evaporation of petroleum ether was allowed by heating. Residue
remained at the bottom of the flask and was reweighed with flask. The quantity
of residue was determined as fat content of sapota pulp.
The carbohydrate from sapota pulp was estimated by
anthrone method in which prepared a series of Glucose solution and distilled
water in the ratio (0:1; 0.2:0.8; 0.4:0.6; 0.6:0.4; 0.8:0.2; and 1:0) by using
spectrophotometer. One gram ground sapota pulp was mixed with 5 ml of 2.5 N HCL
and then heated for 3 h in water bath. The mixture was allowed to cool for 1.3
h, and it is added with sodium carbonate till effervescence stops. It is seen
by naked eyes. After filtration, anthrone reagent (2 g anthrone powder 100 ml
H2SO4) was added in filtered solution. The
mixture was heated for 8 min and allowed to cool. The solution was taken in the
cuvette of spectrophotometer, and absorbance was recorded at 630 nm. A graph was
plotted, i.e., absorbance versus concentration (glucose stock: distilled
water), and concentration of unknown sample was measured by using formula,
% Absorbanceof unknown
Concentrationof standard Concentration Absorbanceof standard − = ---(11)
Results and Discussion
Table 1 shows the
physical properties of sapota fruits & Table 2 shows the chemical
properties of sapota fruits
Moisture content
Moisture content
of sapota found to be in the range of 73.07 % wet basis (280.283 % db). The
result was in general agreement with the result obtained for fresh sapota
fruits by pawar et al., which having range is 69.80% to 75.80 % (wb) for
kalipatti and Athmaselvi et al., reported the moisture content of sapota verity
kalipatti 77.93% (wb).
The length, width and
thickness is sapota fruits was found to vary in the ranges from 44.08 to 60.19,
37.00 to 49.34 and 41.06 to 52.91 mm, respectively. The Average values of
dimension in terms of length, width and thickness were found to be 50.29±4.15,
42.78±3.12 and 46.53±3.130 mm, respectively. The shape of sapota fruit may be
classified as Eleptical as per classification given by Mohsenin [19]. The
result were in general agreement with the result obtained for fresh sapota
fruits by Gupta et al., 50.10 to 62.19, 31.90 to 42.16 and 27.40 to 41.42. And
Athmaselvi et al., 41.51, 42.16 and 40.3.
Fruit volume
The volume of the
sapota fruits range is 20 to 70 cm3 and average volume are found of sapota
is 43.2±15.19cm3.). The result was in general agreement with the result
obtained for fresh sapota fruits by Gupta et al., is 408.3 to 587.7 (cc).
The Sphericity of
sapota fruits range is found to be 0.842 to 0.990 and average value is
0.908±0.052 .and the shape of sapota fruit may be classified as elliptical as
per classification given by Mohsenin [19]. The results were in general
agreement with the result obtained for fresh sapota fruits by Athmaselvi et
al., is 0.957.
Fruits weight
The average weight of
sapota fruits was 52.99±7.the weight of sapota fruits are recorded the range
41.15 to 74.99 (g). The result reported in literature for fresh sapota fruits
by Gupta et al., range of 38.20 to 55.50 (g) verities in sapota kalipatti and
Athmaselvi et al., was 48.42 kalipatti [20] reported average fruits
weight of sapota was 55.6 verities cricket boll (g). And pawar et al., reported
the sapota fruits weight range of 60.66 to 85.42 (g) for kalipatti.
Bulk density
Sapota fruits are bulk
density was in the range of found0.341 to 0.414g/cc and the average value of
the bulk density of sapota was 0.384±0.0321g/cc [21]. The result were in
general agreement with the result obtained for fresh sapota fruits by Gupta et
al., and Athmaselvi et al., range is 0.891 to 0.912 g/cc, 0.61 g/cm3.
True density
True density of sapota
fruits was in the range of found 0.952 to 2.1095 g/cc. and average true density
is sapota 1.323±0.40 g/cc [22]. The result were in general agreement with the
result obtained for fresh sapota fruits by Gupta et al., for kalipatti and
Athmaselvi et al., range is 1.013 to 1.055 g/cc and 1.12 g/cm3.
The porosity is
calculated by the sapota fruits was found in the range of 16.62 to 42.22 and
average value of porosity is31.492±8.45 [23]. The result were in general
agreement with the result obtained for fresh sapota fruits by Gupta et al., and
Athmaselvi et al., range is 12.82 to 13.62. And 0.35 g/cm3.
The fresh sapota fruits the TSS range
is found 17 to 23 and average value of sapota fruits is 19.45±1.40. The result
were in general agreement with the result obtained for fresh sapota fruits by
Pawar et al., which having range is 19.00°B to 23.60°B reported TSS of sapota
average 24°B. Gupta et al., reported TSS of sapota average range 17°B to 22°B
Titratable Acidity
The Titratable acidity of sapota
fruits was in the of range 0.2 to 0.25, the average Titratable acidity is
0.16±0.14. The result were in general agreement with the result obtained for
fresh sapota fruits by Pawar et al., which having range is 0.10 % to 0.23%.
The pH of sapota fruits range was
observed in the range 5.5 to 6.0 and average pH is 5.72 ± 0.14. The result were
in general agreement with the result obtained for fresh sapota fruits by Pawar
et al., which having range is 5.30 to 6.30. Gupta et al., range 5.2 to 5.7
Reducing sugar
Reducing sugar of fresh sapota fruits
range was 15 to 17.3, average reducing sugar are 16.3±1.23. The reducing sugar
reported for fresh sapota fruits by Pawar et al., was in the range of 8.90 % to
11.08 %. And Take et al., average 8.91 %. Sawant reported the reducing sugar
content of sapota at ripe stage was 8.28-13.86%.
Total sugar
Total sugars of fresh sapota are range
between 46 to 52.2 and average total sugar of fresh sapota fruits 48.50±1.58.
The result were in general agreement with the result obtained for fresh sapota
fruits by Pawar et al., which having range is 14.40% to 18.20% verities kalipatti
[20] reported average total sugar 17.57% evaluated ten cultivar of sapota
and noticed variation from 7.0 to 12.3 per cent in total sugar [7]. Rao et al.,
observed that in sapota fruit contained 12.0 per cent total sugar.
The fresh Sapota fruit protein is
range is 0.6 to 0.80 and average value of protein is 0.48±0.13. The Protein
content reported in literature for sapota fruits was 0.70 and 0.67. Ganjyal et
al., 0.70 And Swaminathan is 0.70 average 0.6 [20].
The fat of Sapota fresh fruits range
0.4 to 1.25 and average fat value is 0.49±0.44. The fat content of sapota
fruits reported in literature was 1.10, 1.13 and 1.25 (Ganjyal et al.,
Swaminathan) [20].
The carbohydrate of
sapota fresh fruits range is 14.3 to 28.31 and average carbohydrate is
19.50±3.47. The result were in general agreement with the result obtained for fresh
sapota fruits by Ganjyal et al., 21.40. average 28.31 [20].
Fibre of sapota was range of 0.42 to 28.31 and average fibre is
2.50±0.92. The result were in general agreement with the result obtained for
fresh sapota fruits by Kumari et al., 2.60.
Colour L values of fresh sapota fruits are range are 57.70 to
72.10 and average L value is 71.10±2.43. Sapota a value of sapota fruits are
range found 7.10 to 10.42 and average a value of sapota is 7.14±0.02. And b
value of colour in sapota fruits are range comes in 37.26 to 41.91 and average
value is b is 40.50±0.03 [25].
Moisture content of
sapota found to be in the range of 73.07 % wet basis (280.283 % db). And the
length, width and thickness is sapota fruits was found to vary in the ranges
from 44.08 to 60.19, 37.00 to 49.34 and 41.06 to 52.91 mm, respectively, The
volume of the sapota fruits range is 20 to 70 cm3and average volume
are found of sapota is 43.2±15.19cm3.The Sphericity of
sapota fruits range is found to be 0.842 to 0.990 and average value is
0.908±0.052. The average weight of sapota fruits was 52.99±7. the weight of
sapota fruits are recorded the range 41.15 to 74.99 (g). Sapota fruits are bulk
density was in the range of found 0.341 to 0.414 g/cc and the average value of
the bulk density of sapota was 0.384±0.0321 g/cc. True density of sapota fruits
was in the range of found 0.952 to 2.1095 g/cc. and average true density is
sapota1.323±0.40 g/cc. The porosity is calculated by the sapota fruits was
found in the range of 16.62 to 42.22 and average value of porosity is
31.492±8.45. And some chemical properties of sapota fruits are the fresh sapota
fruits the TSS range is found 17 to 23. The Titratable acidity of sapota fruits
was in the of range 0.2 to 0.25, The pH of sapota fruits range was observed in
the range 5.5 to 6.0, Reducing sugar of fresh sapota fruits range was 15 to
17.3, Total sugars of fresh sapota are range between 46 to 52.2, The fresh
Sapota fruit protein is range is 0.6 to 0.80. and the fat of Sapota fresh
fruits range 0.4 to 1.25, The carbohydrate of sapota fresh fruits range is 14.3
to 28.31 and Fibre of sapota was range of 0.42 to 28.31, Colour L values of
fresh sapota fruits are range are 57.70 to 72.10 and a value of sapota fruits
are range found 7.10 to 10.42.
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