
Showing posts from November, 2019

Juniper Publishers: Juniper Publishers| It’s time to be thankful to al...

Juniper Publishers: Juniper Publishers| It’s time to be thankful to al...

Juniper Publishers: Airway Microbiota and Allergic Diseases: Clinical ...

Juniper Publishers: Airway Microbiota and Allergic Diseases: Clinical ... : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PULMONARY & RESPIRATORY SCIENCES Introduction Bronchial Asthma is an airway disease with variable ...

Study the Physico-Chemical Properties of Sapota (Achras Sapota L.) - Juniper publishers

Journal of Trends in Technical and Scientific Research Abstract In the present work, the physical and chemical properties of fresh sapota fruits ( Achras sapota L ). And the Physical Properties studies such as moisture content (%), length (mm), width (mm), thickness (mm), volume (cc), Sphericity , weight of fruits (g), Bulk density (g/cc), True density (g/cc) and Porosity (g/cc). Chemical properties is TSS °(B), Acidity (%), pH, Reducing sugar (%), Total Sugar (%), Protein (%), Fat (%), Carbohydrate (%), Fiber (%), Color L, a and b. Moisture content of sapota found to be in the range of 73.07 % wet basis (280.283 % db), the results showed that The length, width and thickness is sapota fruits was found to vary in the ranges from 44.08 to 60.19,37.00 to 49.34 and 41.06 to 52.91 mm, respectively, The volume of the sapota fruits range is 20 to 70 cm 3 , Sphericity of sapota fruits range is found to be 0.842 to 0.990, average weight of sapota fruits was 52.99±7.the weight of s...

Juniper Publishers: Post Disaster Housing Reconstruction after 2014 Ga...

Juniper Publishers: Post Disaster Housing Reconstruction after 2014 Ga... : Civil Engineering Research Journal Abstract Housing reconstruction projects are complex in nature because of the many stages and als...

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga Racemosa) as Treatment of Menopause-Related Symptoms: A Mini Review Shoeb Qureshi - Juniper publishers

Journal of Trends in Technical and Scientific Research   Abstract Black cohosh belongs to the family Cimicifuga racemosa . Root and rhizome are the medicinal parts of the herb. Black cohosh is used against the treatment of Menopause symptoms (including vasomotor); Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS); depression (mild); arthritis and migraine. It is often used as an alternative to estrogen-based replacement therapies to treat hot flushes that frequently accompany the transition to menopause. Keywords: Black cohosh; Cimicifuga racemose ; Menopause; Chemical constituents; Adverse effects   Introduction Black cohosh belongs to the family Cimicifuga racemosa . Root and rhizome are the medicinal parts of the herb. Black cohosh is used against the treatment of Menopause symptoms (including vasomotor); premenstrual syndrome; depression (mild); arthri­tis and migraine [1-5]. It is often used as an alternative to estro­gen-based replacement therapies to treat hot flushes that f...

Over Fossil Fueled: The Fundamentals for a Low-Carbon Diet - Juniper publishers

Journal of Trends in Technical and Scientific Research Abstract The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a challenge to the international community to achieve even greater reductions in carbon emissions than was previously believed desirable with its report on October 08, 2018. This will require a fundamental reevaluation of our current perspectives regarding a comprehensive energy strategy, given that economic growth is closely allied with energy use. World energy demand is likely to continue to increase, especially among those countries with an expanding population and/or expectations for higher standards of living. Thus, the task for policy-makers is to create an environment allowing power-generating methods to flourish, thereby establishing a stable, efficient, cost effective foundation of all available low-carbon sources of power production in supporting an expanding national economy. This commentary highlights a few of the challenges, benefits, and ...

Juniper Publishers: Algebraic-Probabilistic Methods and Grobner Bases ...

Juniper Publishers: Algebraic-Probabilistic Methods and Grobner Bases ... : Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal  Building accurate representation of the world is one of the basic functions of the ...

Is Your Child at Risk? - Juniper publishers

Journal of Trends in Technical and Scientific Research Keywords Posture problems, Back pain, Cavities, Whispering, Giggling, Slouching, Beautifully, Slender Opinion Posture problems in youth is rising right under your nose. Are you a parent reading this article? Do you suffer from neck or back pain after a long day at work? Headaches maybe? Did you wake up with pain? Maybe you didn’t, but the other 65% of working population did, dose and do go thru their days in discomfort. You don’t stop eating because you are afraid of cavities? Then why do you expect the millennial to give up their smart devices? How many children do you see already in poor state of health? How many do you know personally? Just like cavities, using smart devices puts us at risk. It’s not about “What is wrong?” it’s about how are were reacting to it individually? What is the compelling reason to make a change before becoming the victim of the consequ...

Juniper Publishers: Phyto-Tissue Culture Bank (PTCB) for Maintaining P...

Juniper Publishers: Phyto-Tissue Culture Bank (PTCB) for Maintaining P... : Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal The diversity of life forms is many, and we still have to define many of t...

Exploring the Response Time (RT) in Performing Specified Visual Search Tasks - Juniper Publishers

Journal of Trends in Technical and Scientific Research Abstract The ability to identify for a targeting object among other many similar objects is essential to human cognition. The process of object recognition underwent complex cognitive ability and may vary on some factors such as the feature between the target and non-target. Anne Treisman’s Feature Integration Theory (FIT) was used as the blueprint theoretical model to guide the present assignment [1]. The current experiment adopted the classic and simplest visual search paradigm to explore the response time (RT) in performing the specified visual search task. The present pilot run also sought to fill the research gap in studying gender difference in the visual searching task to the existing literature [2]. Keywords: Visual search; Cognitive ability; Feature integration theory; Response time; Gender difference Abbreviations: FIT: Feature Integration Theory; RT: Response Time; BPS: British Psychological S...